Thursday, 28 August 2014

10 Things You Can do Right Now to Feel Great

Sometimes we allow bad thoughts or circumstances to get the better of us, often with out even realising it. It can be easy to look ahead and pine for where we hope to be or look back at the way things were. Unfortunately both of these common mistakes take us out of the moment which is all we can truly control.

The NZ Best: Blog team have compiled their top ten list of simple things you can do right now to get out of a funk and back into a healthy, "here and now" frame of mind.

NOTE: Obviously it can be good to look behind and ahead constructively (reflection & goal setting), this is about embracing the moment, here and now.
CONCERNING DEPRESSION: If you are actually depressed and things that normally make you happy don't, see your doctor.

1. Breathe

Breathing keeps us alive, if we stop we die. So why not be a little bit more conscious of it? Taking a few moments to focus on breathing in deeply and exhaling slowly is a great way to recenter yourself, get back in touch with "you" and regain focus on the here and now.

2. Drink water

We are water and any excuse for not drinking more of it, is quite frankly folly epitomized. Drink water everyday, all day and right now to feel great.

3. Smile

When you smile, you send a message to yourself and anyone around you that this moment comes with a little bit of joy. It's no secret that smiling, much like yawning, is contagious. If you're finding it hard to turn that frown upside down, try using your powerful brain to smile at the fact you don't want to smile.

4. Move

Especially good if you're stuck behind a desk eight hours a day. Stand up, stretch, bend, shake, move around, take the stairs. If you feel stuck in a bad mood try moving around, it's good for you.

5. Call a friend

It feels good making other people feel good. Have you ever had an urge to just call someone for no reason other than to chat? Have you ever received a call from someone that seemed a bit weird or pointless but which left you feeling, kind of nice? Txt messages aren't the same as a call. Pick up your phone and call a mate.

6. Say something positive

The mind is constantly bombarded with thought. Thoughts are powerful but words are the business. It's a lot easier to control what comes out of your mouth than it is to control what comes into your head. Speaking positively is 100% more likely to make you feel good than if you don't.

7. Sing

If you can't sing, sing anyway. Whistle a tune, tap your feet, click your fingers and sing! In the shower, in the car, whenever you get a chance. Singing is good for the soul, plain and simple. Do it.

8. Bite less, chew more

Food is amazing, at least it should be. Try your best to take your time when you eat. Measured mastication is better for your digestive system and gives you more time to appreciate each mouthful. Yummy, yummy!

9. Laugh

How good does it feel to have a big laugh? You know, the type where you end up crying and your ribs hurt and you can't stop. You can bet your bottom dollar that what scientists learn about laughter over the next century is going to blow our minds. Always be ready to laugh and actively seek out funny situations.

10. Dance

Contrary to popular New Zealand belief, alcohol, drugs and big bass are not actually required to engage in this ancient form of human expression. If you look closely, you will see that all human children capable of movement will naturally dance. If you want to feel great, dance every chance you get.

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